
Friday, May 29, 2020

Hatchet Novel Response

So far in the book Hatchet Brian has left the airport to visit his dad in Canada. His parents have divorced
over a secret his mum had. Brian's Mum cheated on Brian's Dad so they divorced. 

The pilot of the aircraft Brian is in has had a heart attack while flying so Brian has tried to contact the
airport on the microphone of the pilot but it was too fuzzy so he did not know what to do. He tried to keep
the plane in the air until it ran out of fuel. The plane can fly in a straight line by itself so he did not need to
do much. When the plane ran out of fuel he had to search for a lake to land in but there were not many
around him. He finally spotted an L shaped lake to land in so he positioned the plane so he would land
straight line. The plane started to decrease speed and went down lower and lower. The plane was not
high enough to make it to the lake so Brian got very worried. He braced himself for the impact. Then
Boom he hit the trees. The plane went down through the trees and into the lake.

 The plane sank down into the water and Brian tried his hardest to get to the surface but he started to
loose his breath. So he pushed harder and harder and made it up. He climbed over to the side of the lake
and leaned on a tree and wondered how he survived. He saw that it was getting late so he went to
sleep. He woke up and realised that he has many aches and pains.

Literacy poem by Callum Tiffin

At home.
Chatting like birds.
We all fit in.
We all have interesting stories to tell.

Sitting at the table.
brother chattering like a bird.
Not going to stop until the sun goes down.